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What is vaping?

Some of you have probably asked, “What is vaping?”. Or, you just never heard of it before today. Some of you are saying “Yes, a fellow vape lover!”. Yes, we both have been vaping for over a year. My husband smoked cigarettes for over 30 years and I smoked for 15 years. We wanted to quit but we both tried many times in the past and nothing worked.

Well, in comes the new world of vaping. We found out about vaping over a year ago and thought what the heck is it? Vaping is the act of inhaling water vapor through a personal vaporizer also known as an electronic cigarette. Personally, I can’t stand how the entire aspect of vaping has been wrapped up and all jammed into the label of electronic cigarette.

First of all, not all vaping is done using what is called an electronic cigarette. The electronic cigarettes are thought of as starter vaping gear. Many newcomers to vaping never even use the electronic cigarettes and go straight into more advanced and better gear used for vaping.

Vaping gives the user the ability to get nicotine into their system with the use of traditional cigarettes. There has been a bad image put on vapers where the public has been led to think that all vapers are pot heads. This is not true. Yes, you can use marijuana with vape gear but not all of us are using vape gear in that manner.

The majority of vapor users are ex-smokers. Our vaping only includes the following ingredients: Vegetable Glycerine and/or Propylene Glycol Flavorings (same flavorings used for baking and drink mixing) Sucralose Nicotine Vaping is so much healthier for people than traditional smoking. Vaping does not produce the smoke that traditional cigarettes do. So, there is not an obnoxious smell that comes from vapor.

The only smell vapor can make, depending on the strength of the flavorings, would be fruity, bakery and/or candy type smells. These smells depend completely on what type of ejuice the vapor is using. What is produced by vape gear and it’s user is not too much different than what is produced by a humidifier.

There is so much more regarding vaping that I will eventually cover but I wanted to give a brief explanation so when you see me talking about vaping on here, you will at least, have an idea of what I’m talking about. Also, when you see someone in public using any type of vape gear, you’ll now know what they are doing.

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